Our instructors will teach you how to install, configure and get the best from the most powerful monitoring and reporting tool in the Asterisk call-center industry.
Certification is included, allowing you to bring a new skill set to your job profile and company knowhow.
QueueMetrics Training online course is designed to rapidly guide you through installation and basic configuration. Key reporting concepts are introduced and explained.
The course is example-based, with a focus on the practical knowledge required to successfully monitor your Asterisk PBX based call-center, create accurate real time and generate historical reports. Though some time is given to metrics explanation and theory, we've also included a lot of helpful information and examples.
We've left out the non-essentials so that you can get up-to-speed with QueueMetrics as fast as possible. The course includes references to online resources, including socials and video channels, for additional information and further learning.
QueueMetrics Training is an online course. The 16 chapters include a total of approximately 4 hours of contents, plus a question-answer section at the end. This training does not need a physical classroom, students must install the proper chat system for the remote connection with the teacher.
Loway does not provide a Linux or an Asterisk training but students with even basic Asterisk skills should be able to follow along with the examples. QueueMetrics software must be also installed before the course begins.
This is an entry-level course, with no prerequisites to attend. However, you can buy a Custom Training Course for specific requests or advanced training. Customized training course can be tailored to meet the needs of your organization and include an array of different technical topics.
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