QueueMetrics Training Program

Learn the essentials of QueueMetrics Asterisk Call-Center Suite with our training courses!

Our instructors will teach you how to install, configure and get the best from the most powerful monitoring and reporting tool in the Asterisk call-center industry.
Certification is included, allowing you to bring a new skill set to your job profile and company knowhow.

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Discover QueueMetrics

QueueMetrics Training online course is designed to rapidly guide you through installation and basic configuration. Key reporting concepts are introduced and explained.
The course is example-based, with a focus on the practical knowledge required to successfully monitor your Asterisk PBX based call-center, create accurate real time and generate historical reports. Though some time is given to metrics explanation and theory, we've also included a lot of helpful information and examples.

We've left out the non-essentials so that you can get up-to-speed with QueueMetrics as fast as possible. The course includes references to online resources, including socials and video channels, for additional information and further learning.

Training Course Format

QueueMetrics Training is an online course. The 16 chapters include a total of approximately 4 hours of contents, plus a question-answer section at the end. This training does not need a physical classroom, students must install the proper chat system for the remote connection with the teacher.

Loway does not provide a Linux or an Asterisk training but students with even basic Asterisk skills should be able to follow along with the examples. QueueMetrics software must be also installed before the course begins.

This is an entry-level course, with no prerequisites to attend. However, you can buy a Custom Training Course for specific requests or advanced training. Customized training course can be tailored to meet the needs of your organization and include an array of different technical topics.

Write to sales at loway dot ch for information or Buy Your Training Now!

QueueMetrics Training

Course Outline

QueueMetrics Basics

QueueMetrics is a highly scalable monitoring and reporting suite designed specifically to suit the needs of contact centers based on the Asterisk PBX.

An astonishing range of reports and the Real-Time panel, showing call center activities, are only part of the tools Loway provides, allowing you to take the concept of measuring to improve to a whole new level.

The best part is that there is no client-software installation, since QueueMetrics is designed to work within a browser. This means it can be accessed from anywhere as long as you possess the right credentials.
Last but not least, QueueMetrics is also highly customizable. You can fine tune almost every functionality to suit your needs, without having to undergo a long customization process.

Here we present an overview of QueueMetrics functionalities, logically divided in three categories.
  • Administrative functionalities
  • Supervising functionalities
  • Agent-oriented functionalities
  • Administrative functionalities

One of the major advantages of using QueueMetrics comes from the fact that it lets you define the components of your contact system, in a very simple yet powerful way.

QueueMetrics allows you to define the following components:
  • Users
  • Queues
  • Agents
  • Agents Groups
  • Locations
  • Pause Codes
  • Outcome Codes
  • Reports
A User in QueueMetrics is a set of access credentials, with different levels of privilege, that allows someone to use the system. Some users can be administrator, thus having full access to the system, or can be able to just run simple reports.
A Queue is a collection of phone calls coming in or out of a call center. Usually queues are defined in such a way as to gather all related calls together. Agents can log in or out of different queues in order to handle the phone calls temporarily stored inside them.
Users and agents are different in QueueMetrics: a user is an access credential to QueueMetrics, it doesn't have to be an agent, it could be just someone that can run reports or an admin user.

An agent, instead, is a physical person in your call center. It doesn't need to be necessarily a user; if your agents are static in the queues and always use the same phones, you'd want to define the agents in QueueMetrics just to translate phone codes (e.g. SIP/3321) in a readable name in reports.
QueueMetrics offers the possibility to define Agent Groups, in order to logically divide your agents in an efficient fashion. One of the biggest advantages of dividing agents in groups is the resulting possibility of filtering them when issuing a report.
QueueMetrics also allows you to define Locations, in order to divide your agents based on their geographical position. One of the biggest advantages of assigning Locations to agents is the fact that you can filter by them when issuing a report.
QueueMetrics enables your agents to set an outcome code for each call; outcome codes are then used to run reports or to evaluate the performances of your call-center, of single agents or groups.

From the "Edit Outcome codes" you can define as many codes as you need.
An agent putting himself on pause has the possibility to set a pause code; the pause itself will prevent the agent from receiving more calls from the queue, but that doesn't mean the agent is not working, that's why we need different pause code to discern between a "Break" pause and an "Email" pause.

Yet, you can define your custom Pause Codes and decide whether or not a pause code is related to a billable and/or payable activity. Then you can use this data in your reports to evaluate the productivity of the people working for you.
From the "Edit reports" page you can decide how your reports will look, defining your own report templates. You'll be able to include only the data blocks you need and choose how to split them into different pages.

Supervising functionalities

One of QueueMetrics main features Is the real time monitoring system. Thanks to this feature you can keep the situation under constant vigilance, by keeping track of the calls on all the queues. All the data is constantly updated to give you a real time view of the general state of your call center.

  • Reload: It defines the update period will be used to refresh the shown data
  • Recap: Shows or hides the table containing the summary of calls by queue
  • Calls: Shows or hides the Calls being processed table
  • Agents: Shows or hides the Agents currently logged in table
  • Queues: Shows all queues or only active queues
  • Agents: Toggle between all agents or members only agents
  • Location: If granted by user permissions, defines which location is shown
  • Group: Defines wich agent group is shown
  • Supervision: Filter out agents not supervised by current user
QueueMetrics comes with a vast selection of the most useful and common reports. They are designed to be ready to use and to start providing you with fundamental details about your agents' activities.

The quickest way to obtain an analysis is by selecting the queue and the report you want to analyze and then click on the appropriate time frame below the "Quick activity reports" title on the home page.
QueueMetrics offers a wide choice of filters (20+) in order to meet all your reporting needs.

You can filter calls by:

  • Date and time
  • Queues
  • Agents/Groups/Locations
  • Outcome code
  • Caller ID
  • Specific days of the week or specific hours

and much more...

Agent-Oriented functionalities

By taking advantage of the Agents' page, each agent can:

  • see their own status, i.e. whether they’re logged on or they’ve been disconnected
  • see their last calls, including information like Caller ID, duration and waiting times
  • see from which queue the call is coming, even if they lost the announcement message
  • launch external web apps - like CRM software - that might be automatically linked to the Caller-ID or other information input by the caller
  • read the messages broadcasted to him
  • start a new conversation calling a phone number
  • have a subset of AGAW information
  • track information about the current call on QA forms

Also, it is possible to use this page to:

  • Log the agent on and off to Asterisk and/or a specific queue
  • Pause and un-pause the agent, entering the pause activity code if needed
  • Set the outcome code for each call
In order to access the Agent Page the agent simply needs to enter its own credentials in the QueueMetrics login page. QueueMetrics will automatically recognize it as an Agent and will prompt it to its Agent Page.
From the Agent Logon Widget in the Agent page agents can decide on which queues they want to logon or logoff. The process is extremely straightforward and requires only the extension number from which the agent wants to operate.
From the "Pauses" Widget in the Agent Page, each agent is allowed to register its own breaks linking them to specific Pause codes.
An agent can assign an outcome code to each call from the "Call List" widget, which offers a summary of the calls handled by the agent. You can associate the desired Outcome code, by clicking on the "tag" icon associated with the call.
By design you can add an outcome code within 30 minutes from the end of the call; after this time period it won't be possible to set an outcome code for the call.

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