Analytics and Stats for your Asterisk Queues

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Analytics and Stats for Asterisk

Why QueueMetrics-Live ?

an happy customer

A hassle-free reporting solution

Don’t worry about installation, set up, updates or support, this is our job! A dedicated engineer will assist you during the entire testing process and after.
pad displaying a the SLA chart , 1 of the 83 table / chart of QueueMetrics-Live

More than 200 Metrics

Investigate your business with more than 200 Metrics regrouped in 83 tables / charts.

laptop displaying a wallboard of QueueMetrics-Live

Customizable Wallboards

Easily create all the dashboards and wallboards you need. Share information with your team in real time or simply design the perfect dashboard to keep everything under control at a glance.

Screenshot of Icon, the Agent Panel of QueueMetrics-Live

Agent Panel & Outcome Tracker

Give to your agents the perfect tool for their work. Icon, our agent panel is the perfect companion for your working force and will enable your agents to focus on their work, leaving the tracking stuff to our software.

Moreover from the agent panel your agents will be able to flag the outcome of every call (sales, successful support,etc)..

Simply use a pair of Headset and save the cost of VoipPhones

Embedded Softphones

QueueMetrics-Live includes a Softphone for each of your Agents. Our Softphones are based on JsSIP, the same library used by FreePBX. Save the cost of the voip phones and connect your agents directly with a pair of headphones. Discover all the advantages of using softphones in your company.
Cloud means Zero-Hassle

Cloud Based for a Zero-Hassle Experience

QueueMetrics-Live is delivered via the cloud as software as a service (SaaS). No need to buy, maintain or upgrade hardware and you will pay only for what you use each month. Additionally you will be able to support multiple contact-centers (cluster mode), including at-home agents, anywhere in the world.

QueueMetrics-Live is easy and fast to install. In 5 minutes you can start to track any activity in your call center.

5 Minute Installation

It just takes five minutes to set our suite to track all activities in your call center and be able to finally measure your business and agent activities.

What Our Customers Say

Loway's QueueMetrics has been the key ingredient in our call-centre installations here in South Africa for years. The product gets better and better; Lorenzo and his team are supportive and responsive whether we need help with an issue or we're requesting a new feature. Loway worked with us to integrate QueueMetrics into our "hosted call centre" solution giving us a product that is unique in our market.
Highly recommended!
Steve Davies
Connection Telecom (Pty) Ltd, South Africa

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